Saturday 4 July 2009

It's a bit fuckin' hot

30th June 2009

Yep, sure, fantastic. Brilliant, cheers!

Twenty mother fucking eight degrees. That's what its supposed to be later on today. It was 22 degrees when I was wiping the sleep out of my eyes at 8.20am this morning. I feel for the other guys here at work cos I'm the only person with a fan sat on my desk. As you can see from the pic its absolutely glorious.

I saw a new facebook group called 'People who pretend to be various wind machines.' I'm a fan.

DVD night last night and this time it was 'In Bruges'. I'm sure my mum has seen it and told me it was really good so I was eager to watch it. It made me laugh out loud a couple of times, and for some reason, certain scenes made me jump. Might of just been because I was tired mind.
Anyways, I would say it's worth a watch, but it won't be everyone's cup of tea. It can be quite bloody at times and the humour isn't in your face or politically correct... but that is my kinda thing... sometimes.

Below is a picture of the cricket field next to my work. Its pretty cool at the weekends to see the local talent smashing one out. Read into that as you will.

Oh, good news, the big boss man has emailed everyone at work that ties can be taken off today. They must either; be on properly, or not on at all. 'No half masts, or medallions on show' as he puts. Sure.

Calum says I'm a big...fat...giant Christmas cracker...full of shit jokes....but no party hat. I think that's surely a plus? Here is a spy shot of said accuser.

Yes, this blog entry is a bit more colourful than previous, as it contains pictures and lots of swear words. Don't come to expect this though, it will be a treat that happens every now and again, like eating meatballs from Ikea..... or sex.

I'm finding it strange that my hay fever has seemed to calm down over the past couple of days. I thought with it being a lot warmer, I would be suffering more. It could be down to the fact that C to the V (Calum Venn, strangly only 1 L but 2 N's) has been kind enough to pop me one of his pills of the Piriteeze variety. They didn't work a few weeks ago but now I'm considering changing my opinion.

That's all for now. I'm gonna go outside and stare at people driving by.


  1. erm, spy shot? yeah thats a bit wrong and as said previously, a raping of my personal spacenessage. and no1 likes a rapist pullen... you fuck. sure.

    and jsut in case this rape turns into a murder (lol i stoled it, brapppp) this is anononononmous. so ha! i am confident i have gotten away with this, so ps, i stole 3p from you 4 weeks last Tuesday. FACT
