Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Tin x2

Up until today I have been quite undecided about the new Tin Tin film coming out. I remember reading about how Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson visited the set of Avatar and played with the technology, then decided on the spot that Tin Tin would be possible.  I was really excited to see how the Avatar technology could be pushed with such great talent involved.
Then the first trailer came out, and I was just really really underwhelmed. To me, it just looked the same as the Christmas Carol film with Jim Carey doing the capture work.
Another trailer hit yesterday, and I must say, things did look better. But I guess I still feel that they haven't really pushed the technology forward anymore. 

BUT, my good friend* over at The Incredible Suit just posted his review, and it made me rethink the way I was approaching this film, and that I should concentrate on if the film is actually any good! I think I want to go and see it at the Birmingham IMAX screen, although, apparently it has just undergone a refurb and has lost its IMAX screen status. But we are told that it will still be just as big, and better than before. Its a good 50 minute journey to that particular cinema for me, but its totally worth it for the experience. The screen size is fantastic and worth the journey alone.

I watched the Man Utd Champions League game last night, and it was shite. I wish I had spent 2 hours on Fifa instead.

However - on a good note... Dexter season 6 is now airing in the states. So far so good, can't wait to see how this season unfolds.  We are watching lots of shows at the mo - Terra Nova, Boardwalk Empire, House and even Phoenix Nights. I had never seen a whole episode up until a couple of weeks ago, and I can't believe what I have missed out on. They need to make more of it!

* He's not my actual friend, more a distant internet relative


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