Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Not Epic Enough..

..is what I thought regards the new Avengers movie Teaser Trailer. I'm not saying it didn't look fun, but I guess it just felt kinda on the same epicness level than any other super hero teaser trailer. I hope they ramp it up a notch next time.

Battlefield 3 and the new COD are out soon. Really cant wait for either of them.
I'm not gonna be a fanboy and pick sides over them, I think they will both offer unique gaming experiences and I'm sure both will deliver the goods. I've played the BF3 demo on PS3 and even though it was only a taster of 1 map - it's had me hooked for hours.

Have you ever been Airsofting?  I started going earlier this year and its seriously great fun. Simply - its like a grown ups version of paintballing. You use real imitation guns, a crapload of ammo... and you can basically just go nuts. Or you can be a sneaky bastard.

There are probably lots of sites all around you that you may or may not know about. Some will do gun hire and some will expect you to have your own kit.  I will do a blog dedicated to airsoft with loads of pictures from a game day to give you an idea. The next one I'm going to, the organisers are having a few video cameras out on the battlefield to record material for a promo video. Nice.

After the last night out with Tony, we both agreed that we need to arrange a special 'one night only' lash up involving everybody we used to go out with *gulp* 10 years ago.
Literally everyone. We don't care if you have moved overseas, or are now a single parent with no available babysitter. You leave that child at home locked up with a bowl of baked beans and a plugged in microwave. They can fend for themselves for a few hours while YOU get Titfaced. Its not even illegal - I checked.

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