Monday, 8 February 2010

Blogging Away

How eh ye? Sound n that.

How are you all doing? I haven't asked that for a while. I used to say that in my really early blogging days. The reason I havent said it recently is because I didn't care. But today I do. So count your self privaledged.

I'm sat here sprawled out on Len's bed writing this blog. Its not as gay as it sounds. I can totally vouch that Len isn't gay anyway. He's far too tight. ANYWAY

This is kinda spare of the moment as I didnt particulary have anything to write about as I'm saving it for the VIDEO Blog that is upcoming very soon. I've posted a call on facebook for people to help me make the video. So far I think all I really need is a location to shoot it.

I need to have access to film in a toilet which has a good 4-5 cubicles in it. Like this:

I'm not telling you all what its going to be about yet as its supposed to be a surprise, but needless to say it will likely be disgusting, racist, and full of unessessary swearing. SO YOU'LL HAVE TO FUCKING FUCK SAKE BASTARD DEAL WITH IT.

Sure not badda you alright thanks? You wanna drink no yeah?

As you are aware I'm currently inbetween jobs, and spending most of my days living the life of a typical unemployed bum. That being... getting up late... watching some shit TV.... drinking alcohol... using the bus... stuff like that. Yes, if you are reading this and you do any of the above, then you are also a fucking bum. You heard.

But apart from that, today me and the fellow colleagues travelled to Cambridge for our Induction course to the new company we are working for. Its pretty amazing. They are a big company with loads of cash behind them. And I should be starting a week today :)

So thats all for now dick heads.

Stay Black


  1. power to the people, fight the man.
    sing it loud, im black and im proud.

    get this movie on the make and i shall come and be involved

    forever love

    andy x :-)

  2. Belle would like to be in the video. But not in the toilets as I fear it would probably involve either the Lion or Tubes and I am in no way associated with such. :p Could I just be a contributing features editor to said video and think of witty banter to fill a blog about it? No? I didnt think you would say yes :(

    mwah xx

  3. I used to live with a Nigerian chap who used to say "Stay Black" to me whenever we parted. He was great.

  4. Brilliant! I need to know someone like that in my life. Do you still have his number? :)

    Your comment also spurred me into getting a new post up. So thank you for that Creative Larceny :)
