You see what I mean? I can't even decide which one is my favourite. Don't make me choose. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH it's too difficult. Seriously. OK THE ONE ON THE LEFT.
I've been poorly sick this week with shitty man flu. Normally I can deal with man flu and I take it like a man but this little era of illness was a lot worse that usual.
And no its not swine flu.
I dont think.
Anyways, I feel like I'm on the mend today, didn't feel as shitty this morning and feel even less shitty now but still feel shittier than I usually feel even when I'm having a shitty day at shitty work.
Love interest DONE
illness DONE
Right next on my todo list was to briefly talk about recent events not to do with fantasies of brunettes or fevers.
This week has travelled along pretty fast. Not a great deal to report. Havent been on any boozy nights since the 'Dropped Trou' incident. Wednesday night I went to see Ollie Lewin as it was recently his 21st birthday. Turns out this particular evening was a 'Family and Friends' birthday pool party, which was great fun. Had a good laugh with everyone and we messed around playing some really funny games. I hadn't seen Olly for aaaages, used to play a bit of guitar with him in a band that never really got off the ground properly, he's a sound chap. Hopefully be seeing more of him soon.
Thursday, Friday and tonight have mainly been spent sleeping / chilling out trying to feel better.
Tomorrow is my 2nd Sunday working in a row. Reason for this idiocracy is as follows...
recent events DONE
Soooooo NEXT weekend (9,10,11th) the BOOZE CREW are making their longest journey EVER! Just for shits giggles n beverages.
Edinburgh is the destination and blazing is the goal. Digs are being sorted as we speak and we are hoping to set sail thursday or friday evening. I wont go into any more detail as that would steal thunder from the POST Edinburgh blog entry.
future plans DONE
So thats about it for now. I've had a great idea btw. My future blog entries will include some sort of 'Letters Section'. Basically, in the style that you get in many popular publications... I shall copy and paste a letter I get from a blog reader, and also include my response.
My reason for this is because I actually received an email this week about my blog. As I havent decided on the format of said future section, I shall simply tell you the reader had requested that I make more regular updates, and maybe 'jump into the 21st century' and update my blog via my phone, twitter/facebook style...
so, in response I say...
Fuck You.
We can share Veronicas, I'm fine with the one on the right !
ReplyDeleteWell as long as we can share. I keep changing my mind!
ReplyDeleteSure thing, I preffer one on the left so you know, we can swap around =D